Thinking about Invisalign?

If you’re interested in straightening your teeth, you’ve probably heard of traditional braces. But what about Invisalign? It’s an alternative to conventional braces that straightens teeth without unsightly wires or brackets attached to them. If you’re thinking about getting Invisalign, here are just some of the things you should consider.

What is Invisalign, and how does it work?

The most common question people ask about Invisalign is what it is. Invisalign uses clear aligners that are very similar to traditional braces. Clear aligners are made of smooth, comfortable plastic and are virtually invisible when you wear them. They’re used to gradually shift your teeth into place over time, which means they allow your teeth to move slowly and naturally – just like they would if you didn’t have a problem with them in the first place. Invisalign treatment has proven to be significantly more comfortable than traditional metal braces. That’s because Invisalign aligners are worn for about two weeks at a time before being replaced by new ones.

Why is Invisalign So Popular?

If you have ever had to wear braces, you will be able to sympathize with anyone who has had a similar experience. Food often gets stuck in them, random wires poking at times, and random bursts of pain are some of the reasons people dislike traditional braces. When it comes to adult orthodontics, there aren’t many options. You can choose between traditional metal braces or discreet clear aligners such as Invisalign. The primary reason that Invisalign is more popular than conventional braces is that they are virtually invisible and more comfortable. And if comfort isn’t enough for you, let us tell you how much time you could save by switching to Invisalign! Traditional braces usually take anywhere from 1–2 years before getting teeth straightened. Invisalign’s treatment duration is typically 3–6 months (with minor adjustments sometimes needed afterward).

Why Choose Invisalign?

As a growing number of patients search for a less invasive orthodontic solution, Invisalign continues to provide a convenient and highly effective treatment option that is virtually invisible once correctly fitted. Unlike metal braces that are visible when worn, Invisalign aligners are virtually undetectable even when in use! That means no one will know you’re working on your teeth but you. And if you’re like most people who undergo Invisalign treatments, you won’t mind at all. You’ll be too busy getting ready for your perfect smile while we work with you to make it happen.

What to Expect During Treatment

Invisalign treatment involves getting fitted with a series of custom clear plastic aligners that gradually shift your teeth into place. The aligners are made from smooth, comfortable plastic and can be removed when eating, brushing, and flossing your teeth. As each new set of aligners are fitted, your teeth will move slightly toward their final position so that by about three months in, you’ll notice a significant improvement in your smile. After your treatment plan is finished, all your teeth should have straightened out completely—without using metal brackets!

Invisalign Frequently Asked Questions

How Do Invisalign Aligners Compare to Traditional Braces?

The main difference between Invisalign and traditional braces is that with Invisalign, you don’t have uncomfortable metal wires, brackets, and elastics. They make for a more pleasant experience since fewer appointments are required because it takes less time for treatment.

How Long Does Invisalign Treatment Take?

Treatment times vary from case to case but typically run from 3 – 6 months and sometimes over a year for more severe cases. The time spent in treatment will depend on how quickly your teeth move, if any adjustments are needed, and if you commit to daily wear. During your consultation, we can help give you an estimated range of what you should expect as far as the length of Invisalign treatment is concerned and offer ways to increase or decrease that length based on personal commitment level.

What are the benefits of Invisalign over traditional braces?

Traditional braces can be uncomfortable. When you wear them, you can’t eat certain foods and must brush and floss your teeth more frequently. Invisalign retainers are made of a series of removable clear plastic trays that fit comfortably over your teeth. They can be removed for eating and brushing as needed, making them more popular than traditional braces.

Are Invisalign aligners faster than traditional braces?

There are many reasons why Invisalign is fast becoming one of today’s most sought-after orthodontic treatment options. In addition to being virtually undetectable, Invisalign also typically takes less time than traditional braces. The whole concept behind Invisalign is that it removes all those bulky metal brackets and wires that come with traditional braces. The length of time you wear your aligners depends on whether you are using them to correct minor problems or more serious dental issues. For minor corrections, it’s common for patients to wear their aligners for about 22 hours a day. For 10 – 14 weeks, your Invisalign treatment will progress through several stages that will help you transition from your natural teeth into your new smile.

What material is Invisalign made of?

Invisalign is made from a thermoplastic material that changes shape when exposed to heat. The technology behind Invisalign aligners, which has been used for over a decade, has evolved significantly since its introduction.

Is Treatment Painful?

Invisalign isn’t painful, but that doesn’t mean that you don’t feel anything. In fact, for some patients, especially those who have never worn a retainer before, it may be a bit uncomfortable at first. Not to worry, you will most likely get used to them after a few days, and the discomfort will subside.

Ready to transform your smile with Invisalign?

Contact us today for your Invisalign consultation! Please fill out the form or give us a call at 818-888-8824!